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Gadsden State instructor’s giving spirit takes her to Rwanda

Gadsden, Ala. — Rebecca Southern is many things – a mother, wife, teacher and leader. 她以鼓舞人心的话语而闻名,这些话语鼓励和鼓舞了十大正规赌平台平台的学生. 她尊重别人,并以她期望别人对待她的方式对待别人. She spends a lot of time planning book studies, hosting baby showers, organizing student activities and celebrations, 并通过志愿服务和积极的管理来支持她的社区. 然而,丽贝卡·萨南仍然抽出时间向卢旺达人民传播她的知识和专业知识.

“Inspired by my Christian faith, 在我的生活中,只要有可能,我都会优先考虑志愿服务和良好的管理工作,” Southern said. “在卢旺达教书是一个真诚的服务机会,并产生积极的影响. I am humbled and honored to have had the opportunity.”

Southern, 他是十大正规赌平台平台医学超声诊断项目的负责人, went to Kigali, Rwanda, 本月早些时候与东非基督教学院合作. 她的十大正规赌平台平台是通过教学生和教师如何使用捐赠的设备,让他们了解超声检查.

“The people of Kigali truly inspired me,” she said. “他们是如此渴望学习,他们非常关心他们正在做的工作.”

萨南的卢旺达之旅实际上是从杰斐逊县的基督健康中心开始的.  她的学生被要求在各种诊所完成临床实践,如CHC.  She and Kelsey Taylor, clinical coordinator at Gadsden State, both serve as clinical instructors at this location. 

Through the partnership, they met Drayton Nabers, 慈善家兼阿拉巴马州最高法院前首席大法官.  德雷顿向CHC捐赠了一台超声波机器,并开始询问如何将超声波培训带到卢旺达的东非基督教学院, an organization that is near to his heart.  

Though much progress has been made in Rwanda, 这个非洲国家仍在从1994年造成广泛生命损失的种族灭绝中恢复过来, failure of its infrastructure and neglect of important cash crops.

“我们真的很想做一些有利于卢旺达人民的事情,”萨南说. “They are living in a constant spirit of forgiveness. It is admirable and humbling.”

听说了十大正规赌平台平台DMS学生在CHC所做的工作, 纳伯斯提议建立一个伙伴关系,将十大正规赌平台平台与东非基督教学院联系起来. 然后,他购买了一台笔记本电脑超声波机,并将其捐赠给东非基督教学院,并要求南方公司将其交付,同时提供一些入门培训.  Southern approached Dr. 十大正规赌平台平台健康科学学院院长乔伊·巴特尔斯谈到了这次卢旺达之行. He was in full support of the partnership.

“Without Drayton’s generosity and Joey’s support, 我的学生就没有机会在基督健康中心做临床工作了, 我也不会有机会在东非基督教十大正规赌平台平台,” she said.

On July 3, Southern left Alabama for a two-day journey to Rwanda. Once she arrived, she was taken to the Rwandan archbishop’s house, where she stayed for the remainder of her trip.

她说:“大主教(洛朗·班达)一直在他家招待客人. “The Rwandans love people who are willing to help their country.”

Southern对东非基督教学院的12名学生和助产士进行了超声波基本护理和知识培训. For hands-on experience, 五名孕妇自愿参加,这样学生们就可以练习他们所学到的技能.

“Knowing how to understand an ultrasound, even if it is the basic point of care ultrasound, is so beneficial to the health of the woman,” Southern said.


“我们正在传播可能挽救母亲和孩子生命的技能,” she said. “Through ultrasound, 我们可以确定怀孕的日期,这样母亲就知道什么时候该预产期. We can listen to heart tones. 我们可以提供胎盘位置,提前确定是否需要剖腹产. Many of them deliver in a hut or a small clinic, but, if they know in advance that special care is needed, they can plan ahead and deliver in a hospital.”

长期十大正规赌平台平台是为来自加兹登州的DMS高年级学生提供在卢旺达的教育经验. Each year, 一个小组将被派往东非基督教学院参加分享学习经验.

她说:“十大正规赌平台平台的学生将亲自帮助东非学生进行超声波检查。. “反过来,东非学生将与我们的学生分享他们的培训和文化.”


“他们就像海绵一样,随时准备吸收所有的信息,”她说. “They are smart and easy to teach. They put excellence in everything that they do.”

南方航空公司将继续协助那些需要医疗培训和支助的人. 她与Wetumpka的Chikondi健康基金会合作,带领一群十大正规赌平台平台的学生在10月份前往马拉维进行外科手术.

“We will be working in a hospital called Blessings Hospital, which does not have the financial means to have sonographers,” she said. “我很高兴看到我们的学生将在祝福医院做的工作. 我们非常感激能够通过这些医疗宣教之旅体验不同的文化和习俗.”

马拉维之旅的费用是每人3000美元,包括旅行、住宿、饮食和狩猎. 学生们将接触潜在的赞助商,并进行筹款活动,以负担这次旅行的费用. 那些有兴趣捐款的人可以联系南方电视台

Rebecca Southern教Chris Kanakuzi如何做产科超声检查

Rebecca Southern教Chris Kanakuzi如何做产科超声检查. Southern是Gadsden州立诊断医学超声项目的主任. Kanakuzi是卢旺达东非基督教学院的助产士讲师.

萨拉·凯特·埃德蒙森(Sarah Kate Edmondson)是加兹登州公共关系和市场部的实习生. 她是特洛伊大学传播学与公共关系专业的大四学生.